“Forgot My Password” Functionality Ability for users to reset their forgotten password via an email link Supported for both manager / admin and employee...
Breaks Enhancements — working through lunch Designed for the use case when you ask an employee to work through lunch Each time an auto-generated break is...
Generate exception on work rule when worked on non-required day in simple shift environment Allows managers to review the shift when employee works an unscheduled shift Generates “Worked Unscheduled Shift” exception Configurable via Express...
Absence Calendar – Ability for Manager to Schedule an Absence Designed to allow managers to add planned absences on behalf of employees while seeing the rest of their employee’s absences...
Clocks – Systemwide Support for Auto Generate In Punch with First Department / Job Punch Generate automatic IN punch when punching for a department or Job to start a day Previously was only supported for...