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Mobile App- Message center: Reply/Reply to All/Forward

Under inbox and unread tabs, user can use the options to reply, reply to all, and forward the messages. Under Sent tab, user can forward the messages.

  • Tap on a message user wants to Reply/Reply to All/Forward
  • Tap on the 3 dots icon on top-right corner
  • Tap on any of the options based on the user requirements

Reply: User can reply to the sender. When user taps on the reply, it will automatically pick the recipient’s name from previous messages “from” field.

Reply to all: By using this option, user can reply to all the recipients in the original message. When user taps on reply to all, it will show the name of recipients (from original message) and sender’s name in the “To” field

Forward: user can use this feature to forward the message to other recipients. When user taps on forward, “To” field will be empty, user must pick the recipient from the drop-down list.

Updated on September 5, 2024

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