Employee Selector

The employee selector is found on most pages of the system, whenever you need to choose one or more employees

All employees visible to the current account will be automatically preloaded and selected, the number of preloaded employees will be shown in the selector

Clicking on the Employee Selector will give the option to Select All or Clear All selected employees

Selecting One Specific Employee

  • If you only need to bring up data for one specific employee simply type their name or their employee code into the search bar and select them from the results
  • If a single employee is selected, the arrows to the left and right of the employee selector will become active, allowing the user to scroll through visible employees one at a time

Selecting Multiple Employees

  • To select multiple employees, click on the Employee Selector and the list of visible employees will be shown in in a dropdown list. Simply select the employees to display and tab or click out of the employee selector to filter by those employees only

Selecting Employees by Department, Team, Full/Part-time

Click the filter icon in the search bar to expand the selector:

  • Search for the department(s) you would like to see using the Departments search bar, or select the Department(s) you would like to display by using the Departments dropdown menu
  • Search for the team(s) you would like to see using the Teams search bar, or select the Team(s) you would like to display by using the Teams dropdown menu
  • Use the Full-time/Part-time dropdown menu to see only Full-time or Part-time employees. By default, both Full-time and Part-time employees will be selected
  • Check the Export to Payroll Only checkbox to see only employees that are configured to be exported to payroll. This checkbox is unchecked by default
  • Uncheck the Active Employees Only checkbox to see both active and inactive employees. This checkbox is checked by default (Active employees only will be displayed). If this checkbox is unchecked, inactive employees will be greyed out in the employee list, but will still be selectable
Updated on August 8, 2024

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