Feature overview
Shift Swap feature allows ESS users to drop the schedule, pickup any available shifts, cancel the dropped or picked up shift. User can access this feature via Calendar.
Required Permission: Shift Swapping
Drop Shift
ESS user can drop a shift(schedule) via Calendar page. To drop a shift,
Click on Calendar appearing on left-side dashboard
Click on a schedule for the day user wants to drop
On a pop-up, user can add the note (optional) and click on button “Drop Shift”
Click on button “Confirm” appearing on the confirmation dialog box
Once shift is dropped successfully, user will see a success toast message and shows the status of dropped shift as “Awaiting Pickup”
User cannot drop a shift in the past dates.
User cannot drop a shift that is not within the window defined in the system setting shiftswap.minimumhoursbeforeshift window.
User is still responsible to work on the dropped shift until it is approved by the Supervisor.
Cancel Shift Drop
ESS user can also cancel the dropped shift. To cancel the shift drop,
Click on Calendar appearing on left-side dashboard
Click on a dropped shift user wants to cancel
On a pop-up, to cancel the shift drop, click on button “Cancel Shift Drop”
Click on button “Confirm” appearing on the confirmation dialog box
Once shift drop is cancelled successfully, user will see a success toast message and shift status will change back to original schedule