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  4. ESS Timesheet: Submit To Supervisor 

ESS Timesheet: Submit To Supervisor 

Required Permission: WTS Submit To Supervisor 

If this permission is missing, button “Submit to Supervisor” will be hidden. 

To submit the timesheet to a supervisor,  

  1. Click on Timesheet icon appearing in the main menu side bar 
  2. Select a pay period week user wants to submit 
  1. Click on button “Submit to Supervisor
    A screenshot of a computer

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  2. It shows success toast message once timesheet is successfully submitted and refresh the grid and change the status to “Completed”. 
A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Submit to Supervisor will be disabled 
  2. If there is any error in the timesheet (errors are indicated by an error ‘x’ icon in the header) 
  3. If there are any unsaved edits 
  4. If user performs any edits to a timesheet that has already been submitted to a supervisor, status will be reverted to Open, and user must submit the timesheet again. 
Updated on October 7, 2024

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