ESS User Pictures

This feature allows MSS user to view their ESS employee’s profile picture on the MSS Home Page employee lists  include Period Signoffs, Employee Absences, and Attendance Status. If ESS user has uploaded their profile picture in their ESS portal , only then MSS user can view their pictures on Period Signoffs, Employee Absences, and Attendance Status tabs. Otherwise, it will show the initials in the profile picture placeholder. Whenever ESS employee changes their profile picture, it will reflect on MSS as well.

NOTE: Picture displays under these 3 tabs are from ESS user’s pictures, not employee profile picture.

Required System Setting: ShowEmployeePictures

ESS employees profile picture on MSS Home Page’s 3 tabs: Period Signoffs, Employee Absences, and Attendance Status

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
Updated on August 29, 2024

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