Mass Edits allow MSS users to update the information such as create punches or update employee profile settings for one or more employees at one time.
On Mass Edits page, MSS user can submit a punch for one or more employees.
To submit a punch,
- Click on Admin menu on left-side dashboard
- Click on Mass Edits
- Option “Create Punches” will be selected by default
- Select employee(s) from the employee selector picker
- Select the Start Date, End Time, Time (as punch time), and Punch Type (in, out, job, department etc.)
- Click on Next
- A confirmation dialog will appear, click on “Submit”
- When user clicks on Submit, it will show the Undo Action bar. If user wants to cancel the mass edit of submit punch, user can click on “undo”. Otherwise, do not click on it
- Once it is submitted successfully and show the success toast message.
NOTE: User can submit the punches by selecting the department or Teams in the Employee picker.