Shift Swap Approval feature allows MSS users to view, approve, or reject the shift swap requests. On home dashboard, MSS user can view the shift swap approval card with the count of pending and approved requests with time range- from the current day to next 30 days. User can also view the pending, approved, rejected, or cancelled shift swap requests by using the different filter checkboxes.
Shift Swap Approval Card
On home dashboard, user will see the shift swap approval card with count of pending and approved shift swap requests along with date range (the default is 30 days from current day ). When user clicks on the card, it will show the details of the shift swap requests in the grid. Pending filter is selected by-default.
Navigate to different date range
In the Shift swap approvals grid, user can navigate to different moth ranges and can also selects the date range manually.
To select past or future months, user can click on the backward and forward navigation arrow icons.
Screenshot reference:
Select Specific Date range
To select specific date range,
- Click on Shift Swap Approvals card
- Click on the date range picker
- Select the start Date and End Date based on the shift swap requests user wants to view
- When user selects the date range, it will fetch the requests based on the date range and reflects the selected date range and count of pending and approved on the Shift swap approval card.
Shift Swap Filter
MSS user can view the shift swap requests that are approved, rejected, cancelled, or pending. By default, pending filter is on and user can view all the pending shift swap requests within the selected date range.
To view different shift swap requests, user needs to select the filter checkbox (as shown in the screenshot below). The grid below will show all status selected.
Shift Swap Approval Grid
On Shift swap approval grid, user can see the
- Date (in ascending order by default)
- Schedule time
- Dropping Employee
- Requesting Employee (multiple rows if more than one requester for one shift swap request)
- Status – Part Time/Full Time
- Status of Shift Swap (represents with color code)
- Seniority
- Weekly Scheduled hours
- Submitted date and time
- Note (if note is there, it shows filled icon. Otherwise, an empty note icon)
- Actions – has 3 options in the context menu for pending shift swaps : Accept, Reject, and View Request. For other type of requests, it will show “View Request” option only.
Screenshot Reference: