Qualification Assignments Overview

This page allows user to add qualification, assign & unassign the employees to the qualification. Bolt has merged Qualifications and Qualification Assignments into 1 page. 

Add Qualification 

To add qualification, 

  1. Click on Admin icon 
  2. Click on Qualification Assignments option available under Admin menu 
  3. On Qualifications page, click on button “+ Add Qualification
    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Create qualification dialog will appear
    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Select qualification Type from the drop down
    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Enter qualification name 
  2. Once name is entered, button “Save” will enable 
  3. Click on “Save
    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. A success toast message will appear, and it refreshes the grid and shows newly added qualification under qualifications section. 


  1.  Qualification Name must be unique. 
  2. Column Type and Qualification are sortable. 

Edit Qualification 

To edit an existing qualification, 

  1. Click on Admin icon 
  2. Click on Qualification Assignments option available under Admin menu 
  3. Under Qualifications section, click on 3-dot (…) icon under Actions for a qualification user wants to edit 
  4. Click on “Edit” option
  1. Edit dialog will pop-up
  1. User can edit the Type or Qualification Name or Both 
  2. Once edits are done, click on “Save” 
  3. Once it is saved successfully, it will show a success toast message and update the grid with edited information. 

Delete Qualification 

To delete a qualification, 

  1. Click on Admin icon 
  2. Click on Qualification Assignments option available under Admin menu 
  3. Under Qualifications section, click on 3-dot (…) icon under Actions for a qualification user wants to delete 
  4. Click on “Delete” option
  1. It will show confirmation dialog 
  1. Click on “Delete” appearing in the confirmation dialog 
  2. If no employee has been assigned to the qualification user is deleting, it will delete the qualification successfully. Otherwise, it will throw an error. 
  3. It will show a success toast message and remove the qualification from the qualification section. 

NOTE: If user tries to delete a qualification that has been assigned to employee(s), user will get an error message and will not be able to delete an assigned qualification.

Updated on January 6, 2025

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