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  5. Qualifications Assignments-Assign Employees to a Qualification 

Qualifications Assignments-Assign Employees to a Qualification 

User can assign single or multiple employees to a single qualification. To assign a qualification, 

  1. Click on Admin icon 
  2. Click on Qualification Assignments option available under Admin menu 
  3. Under Qualifications section, click on a qualification user wants to assign 
  4. It will display the employee grid on right side of the screen
    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Click on button “Assign” 
  1. A side drawer will open where user can select an individuals, department, or Teams to assign a qualification. Start Date and End Date are optional.

  1. Once employees are selected, button “Confirm Assign” gets enabled
  1. Clicking on “Confirm Assign” will assign the employees to a qualification. It shows successful toast message and refresh the employee grid with list of assigned employees


  1. User can assign a qualification to a specific department, Teams, or individuals. 
  2. Start date and End date are optional. But if user has provided one of those dates, user must provide the other date as well. 
  3. Columns- Employee, Rank, Start Date, and End Date are sortable. 
Updated on January 6, 2025

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