Security- Users and Roles

This feature allows user to select an MSS user or ESS user and view their assigned and available roles. Along with this, user can also assign a new role and unassigned an existing role.

Required permission: FeatureUsers and Roles

User can:

  • Search for roles as well along with searching for user
  • User can use the filter to select users, ess users, or all
  • User can toggle on to view only assigned roles

Search User and Search Roles

  1. Goes to “Users And Roles” page available under Security Page
  2. There are two filters above Roles tab.
  3. User can enter the user name in “Search User” if user is searching for user name. 
  4. User can enter the role name in “Search Roles” if user is searching for a role.

Select “Users, ESS Users, or All” filter

To select different type of users,

  1. User goes to “Users And Roles” page available under Security Page
  2. User clicks on “Users” filter  (By-default,  Users is selected)
  3. It will show the drop-down with options- Users, ESS Users, All
  4. User can select one of those
  5. It will filter the users list based on the selection

Assign a new role to a User

To assign a new role to a user,

  1. User clicks on Users and Roles
  2. Selects a user 
  3. on Roles tab, “Show only assigned” toggle will be on by-default. Turn off the toggle to view all assigned and unassigned role
  4. Select the checkbox for a role user wants to assign
  5. Once user selects the roles, button “Save Changes” and “Cancel” will be enabled
  6. Click on button “Save Changes” to save the new role assigned. Once role is assigned successfully, it will show the success toast message “Roles changes saved successfully”

Unassign a Role

To Unassign a role,

  1. User clicks on Users and Roles
  2. Selects a user 
  3. on Roles tab, “Show only assigned” toggle will be on by-default. User will see all the assigned roles
  4. Deselect the checkbox for a role user wants to unassign
  5. Once user deselects the roles, button “Save Changes” and “Cancel” will be enabled
  6. Click on button “Save Changes” to save the changes. Once role is unassigned successfully, it will show the success toast message “Roles changes saved successfully”
Updated on January 3, 2025

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