Suggested fixes 

When a record needs attention, the left “Actions” window will allow you to manage Exceptions.

It shows errors and exceptions for that day, as well as suggested fixes to help you quickly correct any records that require attention.  See below for a list of Suggested Fixes and what they do. 

Sign Off Signs off on the record 
Specify Absence Choose the appropriate absence code for a full day absence 
Add Punches  Use the Punches tab to manually add punches if the employee is not able to punch themselves 
Pay to Schedule Pays the employee as per their schedule by automatically adding In and Out punches 
Worked through Lunch  Choose the appropriate time category if an employee worked through their lunch break after the break is automatically deducted 
Add Absence Code For Late Entry  Choose the appropriate absence code for a late entry 
Add Absence Code For Early Exit  Choose the appropriate absence code for an early exit  
Pay Late Exit Only  Automatically pay the late exit 
Pay Early Entry Only  Automatically pay the early entry 
Pay All Extra Time  Automatically pay both the early entry and the late exit 
Override Paid Time  Override the paid start and paid end for the employee for that day 
Updated on August 8, 2024

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