Work Rule Overview 

Work Rules are the basis of the Synerion Agile system, and will tell the system how to calculate the employee’s time, whether they are early or late to work, whether they’re entitled to overtime, the duration of their lunch break and whether it’s paid or unpaid, what premiums they are entitled to, etc. 

There are 3 different types of work rules in the system, and which type is assigned to your employee depends largely on what kind of schedule they have: 

  • Weekly Work Rule is for employees who work the same schedule every week, and it doesn’t change.  For example, an office worker will usually have a fixed schedule (for example, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm) every day.   
  • Scheduling Work Rule will be available in your system if you are licensed for it (please check with the system administrator).  This type of work rule is for employees who have a different schedule from week to week, or work on a rotational basis.   
  • Open Work Rule, there are no fixed start or end times.  This type of work rule simply calculates the time between the in and out punches.  This type of rule could be used for part-time employees who have no fixed schedule. 

If an employee were assigned a Weekly or Open work rule, the schedule is applied automatically, and the supervisor does not have to create schedules for these employees. If the employee has been assigned a Scheduling work rule, the supervisor must maintain the schedules in the Schedules screen. 

Updated on August 8, 2024

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