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System Notifications & Alerts- Configuration

Powerful new system-level notifications to alert the managers and employees by email and SMS:

Missing Employee

Alerts the manager(s), near real-time, when an employee is late or missing based on the schedule time and defined late threshold. A secondary notification is also generated if the employee shows up

  • Includes link to the Employee Timecard Status page for details
  • Includes employee’s cell phone for easy follow-up

Publish Schedules 

Ability to restrict employee’s access to their schedule until it is published / live by manager (see How to Publish Schedules)

  • Can work in conjunction with the Scheduling Change Notification feature (see below)

Schedule Change Notification  

With Publish Schedules Enabled

  • Notifies the employees when the schedule is published
  • Notifies the employees when the published schedule is changed

Without Publish Schedules Enabled

  • Notifies the employees if the schedule is changed within “x” days before the start of the shift (e.g. within 3 days of schedule start)
  • Keeps employees aware of last minute changes to their schedules


  • The notification includes link for the ESS users
    • The link takes the user to Mobile Schedules if accessed from the mobile device or the ESS dashboard link if access from the desk

Pay Period Notification 

Alerts the manager(s) if they have missing timecard edits / sign-offs that are blocking payroll. You can configure the number of days before period-end the system will perform this check

  • Detects any records with shiftmatch errors
  • Detects missing daily sign-offs (if daily signoff is enabled)
  • Detected missing period sign-offs (if period signoff is enabled)
  • Includes link to the Period Signoff or Mobile E&E page for corrections

 Daily Errors & Exceptions

Notifies the manager(s) if their employees have any errors and exceptions from previous day

  • Uses the “ErrorsExceptionsExceptionGroupID” exception group to determine which exceptions to evaluate
  • Includes link to the Dashboard or Mobile E&E page for corrections
  • Supports Express Portal and non-portal customers (Admin -> Notifications)
  • Notifications can be sent as email and/or SMS

Note: SMS is only supported for SaaS customers: on-premise customers require their own Twilio account). SMS requires a valid cell phone.


  • Notifications include link to the relevant desktop or mobile page
  • In order to configure who gets notified, you can either use the Department Notifications (now available in the portal) OR the recommended new Role-based Notification (see below)
  • Notifications can be sent based on the employee’s time zone (if different from server’s time zone). Requires setting of time zone in employee profile


Role Based Notifications

  • Simplified new concept to configure who get notified for various notifications
  • Notifies the user(s) who have visibility over the employee
  • Supports employee overrides for exception cases (e.g. when there are two or more supervisors with visibility over an employee and we need to decide who approves the absence request?)
  • Supports Express Portal and non-portal customers (Admin -> Department Notifications)
  • Only presents the notification types that are enabled in the system


Updated on November 12, 2018

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