Timecard Editor – Overview


The Timecard is the main page of the application used to manage all daily time records for your employees.

By default, all employees visible to your account are automatically selected for the current pay period. This can be changed using the employee selector and the pay period dropdown menu

Each row shows a different day worked, with the employee information for that day

You can use the Filters button at the top right of the screen to narrow down the results being shown

The Columns button at the top right of the screen will allow you to add or hide the columns shown, and you can drag the columns to reorganize them

Looking at a row will quickly show you when the employee was scheduled to work, when they punched, and how their time is being paid after all the pay rules are considered.

Detail Windows

The left “Actions” window will allow you to manage:

  • Exceptions: shows errors and exceptions for that day, as well as suggested fixes to help you quickly correct any records that require attention.
  • Accruals: shows the available accrual balances, the assigned benefit package, and provides a link to the Accrual Summary page for the selected employee
  • Punches: shows the punches for the day which the system will use for calculation. Punches can be edited as needed; edited punches are marked with a pencil icon. The original punches are shown in a tooltip and are always retained as a record.
  • Schedule: shows the employees schedule and allows you to modify it
  • User edits: this tab will show once a user edit is made and allows you to modify or delete the user edit

The right window will show the detailed information about the time record:

  • Shift Totals displays totals for that shift/day
  • Period/Weekly Total: displays totals for the week or pay period using the Period Total or Weekly Total buttons at the bottom
  • Audit Trail displays any changes to the record including what user made the changes and when
  • Profile: displays basic profile information of the selected employee including a link to their full employee profile
Updated on August 7, 2024

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