Current State
Step rate calculation determines the hourly rate based on the total hours worked on a given job.
E.g., An employee who works 2,000 hours on a given job will be entitled to the max rate (35$ per hour).
- Added a new mode to collect the total hours worked on all jobs (Lifetime Hours).
E.g., An employee who works 2,000 hours in total in any job will be entitled to the max rate (35$ per hour). - Added a new mode for rate calculation based on Job per Profession.
An office employee who works 2,000 hours in total will be entitled to the max rate (35$ per hour).
A Plumber who works 2,000 hours in total will be entitled to the max rate (45$ per hour).
Activation Settings
STEPRATE Parameter’s Table
Setup > System > Parameter’s File Table
Parameter File = STEPRATE
Calculation Program = STEPRATE
New Parameters:
Group 7 – “Calculation by Lifetime Hours 1 = true”
Line 1 – 1 “By Lifetime Hours”
Default = 0 “By job Hours”
Group 8 – “Profession”
Line 1 – 1 (to use Profession)
Default = 0 (don’t use Profession)
Line 4 – Enter the CoreHR lookup field that will be used to determine the profession.
Use the following field names for settings:
Profession, Plants, Sites, Departments, Sort0 – Sort4, Emplu01 – Emplu20
Step Rate Screen
Setup > Labor Costing > Step rate
Set up rate by Job per Profession.
User Operation
Example 1
Collect the total hours worked on a given job.
STEPRATE Parameter’s Table
Group 7 – “Calculation by Lifetime Hours 1 = true”
Line 1 = 0 “By job Hours”
Group 8 – “Profession”
Line 1 = 0 (don’t use Profession)
Date = 2024-10-29
Previous Balance (Quantity3) on job 48 = 158.300 Job Hours
TC Duration = 1.45 Hours
Rate by job = 19.680
Previous Balance (Quantity3) on job 65 = 161.300 Job Hours
TC Duration = 10 Hours
Rate by job = 21.020
Example 2
Collect the total hours worked on all jobs (Lifetime Hours).
Rate calculation based on Job per Profession.
STEPRATE Parameter’s Table
Group 7 – “Calculation by Lifetime Hours 1 = true”
Line 1 = 1 “By Lifetime Hours”
Group 8 – “Profession”
Line 1 = 1 (use Profession)
Line 4 = Profession
Step Rate Screen
Set up rate by Job per Profession for job 65.
Employee’s Profession = 9999
Date = 2024-10-29
Previous Balance (Quantity3) on job 48 = 330 Lifetime Hours
TC Duration = 1.45 Hours
Rate by job = 19.680
Previous Balance (Quantity3) on job 65 = 331.450 Lifetime Hours. 1.45 Hours from job 48 included.
TC Duration = 10 Hours
Rate by Job per Profession = 40.314