Synerion Enterprise
Attendance Totals can be converted into decimal display without having to generate a report. This saves time for users!
Filter records by Expenses/SALDAY, such as days on which parking expenses or meals were reported, etc. In addition – it is possible to filter reports by using Manual Pay Categories, as well as bonuses, premiums and more. Identifying such cases becomes simple and intuitive!
We added Attendance codes, such as working from home, working from abroad, training and more. Up until this release, these codes were defined as absences. From now on, the codes will be added to the daily list and it will be possible to add up the hours reported under each code. In this approach, adding new codes requires minimal implementation, as it no longer requires modifying “tweaking” the absence code (and all the relevant fields in the calculation e.g. paid absence) to look like attendance.
Payroll retro users: After the pay-period is closed, opening a specific no longer requires opening the entire company (TableQ) – this prevents errors. Using the retro module, corrections are carried out on the actual month in which corrections need to be made.
Synerion mobile – From now on the mobile app also supports partial absences.
Report generator and analytics
Schedule reports with the Excel report generator (RG) – from now on you can also schedule the reports issued using the Excel report generator. This saves manual work – easy and simple.
Analytics new design – improved display allowing quicker and more efficient navigation between reports, including private reports.
Absence Management
Multi–calendar support in absence request screen – One can select which calendar (TableC) to display when viewing absence requests in order to approve them. This is very helpful for international organizations that use several calendars (Israel, USA, the UK) or organizations that use several calendars for employees from a number of religions.
Forecasted balance from the absence request screen – for each employee the report displays the vacation balance he/she accumulated in accordance with time they actually used and in accordance with approved future approved requests.
We added filtering options by sort codes in Employee Management (EM), and Daily Coverage View (DCV) such as by places, regions, areas, etc. All 5 sort codes were added to the filters.
Block Daily Overstaffing in Daily Coverage View – Currently the Daily Coverage View has an (optional) hourly overstaffing restriction. We added A daily restriction that the entire daily budget against the schedule. In this approach, store managers has more flexibility in terms of scheduling employees, while their superiors ensure the entire daily budget is not exceeded.
A daily coverage display screen – we added Hourly Match and the ability to turn on/off hourly needs, scheduled headcount and gaps so the scheduler can be customized to the relevant metrics used by each customer. The Hourly Match metrics easily identify deviations due to under or overstaffing.
Shift offer enhancements – We added the ability to offer shift with a specific contract, such that when employees are being offered a shift, the shift can be offered under a pay-rule that compensates employees in a different way for overtime. In addition, from now on it will be possible to offer shifts to employees who are work on that day. This increases the efficiency of scheduling.
Labor costing
Periodic Labor costing screen – a new screen for PP labor reporting (duration based) to project-based companies; this allows spread the task reports over a period (weekly, biweekly, monthly) instead of reporting on a daily basis. From now on users will be able to report and display duration in each job/project/customer. To check if the new screen is compatible with your system settings, please contact Synerion.
Banked hours – This allows you to manage the time that is spent per Order/Customer level (TC Level 2 – Related or Unrelated levels). Using Banked hours, the account can be credited with an opening balance and with additional balances, and such task reports shall be considered as utilization of hours. You can also generate reports about the current status of the balance and set block utilization at a certain level so as to prevent a situation where there is a negative balance.
Supporting quantity 1/2/4 on the mobile app and self-service – from now on you can also display and update records using the app and self-service in accordance with one’s profile definitions.
Importing TC Levels using API – from now on you can Import Labor costing levels data also through a secure web service, rather than based on CSV files or SQL tables; this will enable you to link SD to the ERP environment online. For more information, please contact Synerion.
CoreHR and Extended CoreHR
21. A “Welcome” letter to new users, that includes general information, details on how to logon to the system and links to training sessions about how to use the system – this gives employees a “soft landing” with the new software and reduces the number of queries by users.
22. Read and sign electronically – Do you want to distribute various documents to your employees? For example, NDAs, sexual harassment procedure, vehicle procedure and more. Define the procedure in the form generator, distribute to employees such that the employee can sign them digitally, and at the end of the process the signed form shall be filed to the employee’s file. This is highly suitable for organizations that have a hybrid work model.
23. Action items to be taken in connection with employees who are in the process of onboarding/switching roles/off-boarding – for example, as part of the onboarding process a request is sent to the IT manager so that he/she defines authorizations to access data to the employee. All actions that were defined are listed in the actions screen to as it will be possible to monitor the action’s status. One can also determine who, other the human resources team, may watch this information.
Easy, simple and user friendly, and especially efficient for organization that work with multiple locations and/or have a hybrid work model.
An improved “I forgot my password” process, based on a 6-digit temporary code – from now on, a user who forgot his/her password shall receive a temporary 6-digit code to his/her email. After entering the temporary code, that user will be able to define a permanent password.
Mobile app – Mobile Iron support – customers operating MDM of this type will be able to run the app using Mobile Iron as well. For more information, please contact Synerion.